Saturday, May 14, 2011

Freshman Year Breakdown

Freshman year was in a word..different. That sounds cliche, but its the only way to describe it. People say college is the best time of your life and talk about the parties, friends and memories, but definitely leave out some of the coursework! I felt like I never had a moment of time to do anything, especially second semester, but hopefully that'll change when I'm not in math. Of course, besides the school work and incredible homesickness that went along with going away from home, there were amazing times. Over the course of freshman year:

I took 27 credit hours (but only 24 counted towards graduation)
Unfortunately, for this I will be taking two summer classes. One starts Monday and is a three week intensive course and the other starts the day after. But next summer I get a break!

Went to some amazing tailgates

(and one game haha)

3 majors (freshman year for you)

Partook in the Tiger Walk tradition at Mizzou!

Applied for 4 things

Got accepted to one
I will be reapplying to the other three this coming year. Apparently its very difficult for freshman to get positions so hopefully my sophomore status will help me out a bit! 
Aka ASB!

Best spring break trip ever. I will definitely be applying for this one again. I was the only freshman on my trip so I'm thinking what everyone tells me about groups accepting older students more is true. 

Visited the Magic Tree in Columbia!

Completed my first 5k! Caroline and I have plans to do a 10k in October!

I met my boyfriend Matt and it is our 6 month soon! We even carved our names in the Shack, where students can carve anything they want.

Made Dean's List first semester. I was really close second semester, but College Algebra ruined me. I never have been, nor will be, a math person. I passed the aforementioned most failed class at Mizzou though so I consider that a success!

I have actually made Dean's List BOTH semesters! I calculated my grades and thought I did awful on all my exams, but they were curved! So I ended up getting Dean's List, which I was very proud of because Business School's is the hardest requirement (a 3.5) so it was an exciting day when I found that out!

All in all it has been a wonderful year. I worked hard and had some time to play too. A lot changed, some for the worst, but some for the better. 
I can't wait for sophomore year!

But until then my summer will consist of class (ew), work (slightly less ew), Matt and old friends, and hopefully going to the pool in between!


  1. I know, no one talks about the struggles of college both academically and socially! Congrats on finishing your freshman year, it gets a little bit easier as time goes on!

  2. Good luck! I have 3 weeks of summer school starting tomorrow, too!

  3. Congrats on finishing your freshman year! It sounds like you had a pretty great year! Good luck with your summer classes!
